Medical device vulnerability management

Vigilor from TRIMEDX combines industry-leading technology and data to provide comprehensive, reliable information for decisive medical device vulnerability management.

Technology integration

Medical device security platforms

Maximizing visibility to connected medical devices for detection of network anomalies with artificial intelligence (AI) allows you to focus resources on genuine, credible threats to your system.

CMMS or ticketing system

Automate work order creation into your centralized ticketing system to ensure timely response and remediation of known threats.

Dynamic risk score

Vigilor helps you prioritize cyber projects based on a Dynamic Risk Score for each device. The Dynamic Risk Score is the only risk scoring tool that changes with new and existing vulnerabilities, OEM responses, and real-time device attributes that incorporates TRIMEDX’s available machine learning and AI monitoring sources.
The Dynamic Risk Score considers three dimensions: medical device vulnerability management status, device details, and device connectivity. This comprehensive approach ensures that you can accurately assess the risk associated with each device and prioritize your cybersecurity efforts accordingly.

Vigilor combines individual device risk assessments with insights from a proprietary library of vulnerabilities, available patches, work instructions, and best practices. This extensive database uses over 70 sources to facilitate more accurate risk identification and faster patching or application of compensating controls.

Dynamic Risk Score

"Compensating Controls"

Alternate methods of securing in-use medical devices when a validated patch is not available. Compensating controls are used to keep critical infrastructure and medical devices operational or accessible while also improving the hospital or health organization’s overall risk posture.

Ready to take control of your medical device cybersecurity?

To learn more about how Vigilor can enhance your medical device cybersecurity, request a rapid risk assessment. Take proactive measures to protect your medical devices and improve patient safety.
